Frequent, High-Visibility Cleaning Good for Business

Frequent, High-Visibility Cleaning Good for Business

As the world recovers from the coronavirus, the make or break factor for many businesses is going to be confidence. Will customers and clients be confident that they can interact with your business in-person without risk of getting sick? The best way to instill this confidence and reassure customers and employees alike that your business is committed to protecting their health is to have frequent, high-visibility cleaning. Optics Matter You already are seeing it in business that ar...

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Talked to Your Commercial Cleaners Lately?

Talked to Your Commercial Cleaners Lately?

If your business or office has been closed since mid-March as a result of the coronavirus and you finally are preparing to reopen, one of the first calls you likely will make will be to your commercial cleaning contractor. But will they answer? Don't be surprised if they don't. Or if you don't get the answers you were expecting. The Toll on Business Like many other industries, the commercial cleaning business has been hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis. And like a lot of other busin...

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