Workers Are Returning to the Office

Workers Are Returning to the Office

After more than two years of "work from home" during the global pandemic, an increasing number of businesses are asking workers to finally return to the office. While there were many benefits of letting people stay home, there were also a lot of challenges. These included things like supervision, productivity, and being able to address issues quickly and thoroughly. While many companies did what they had to do in order to deal with the real-world situation while everybody else was letting...

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Office Cleaning Adapting to Cultural Changes

Office Cleaning Adapting to Cultural Changes

Before the pandemic, business offices were a lot busier. But office workers were allowed to work from home (WFH) during the Covid shutdown, offices emptied out for months or even years. Today, workers are slowly returning to the workplace but at a rate much lower than anticipated. This is due to two factors: First, business managers realized WFH offered economic advantages such as lower overhead costs, and workers learned to enjoy spending more time with their families while still getting...

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