5 Ways to Help Make Your Cleaning Contractor More Efficient

5 Ways to Help Make Your Cleaning Contractor More Efficient

Professional cleaners can keep your office neat, clean, and sanitary. But if you employ a bunch of slobs who don't take care of their workspace, it's going to be an endless battle to keep your business clean. Creating a culture of personal responsibility and pride of place will help. Encourage people to take actions to keep their workspaces clean. This can include complimenting employees who keep their area clean and correcting those who don't. Eventually, the others will get the message. Comm...

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Open Design and Cleaning

Open Design and Cleaning

Modern office design often features large open floor plans, oversized windows or skylights to let in abundant sunshine, and the elimination of cubicles, doors, and even most walls. While this futuristic look may improve communication and productivity, it also instantly exposes any kind of messy or disorderly workspace. Despite its drawbacks, old-school office design allowed for businesses to hide disorder and disorganization behind closed doors. But the trend toward transparency lays out all of...

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