The Top to Bottom Approach to Cleaning

The Top to Bottom Approach to Cleaning

One question we sometimes get at All Bright Janitorial Cleaning is, "How do you know HOW to clean a specific business, office, or interior space?" The answer is simple: We always apply the same top to bottom cleaning approach to every project. Top-to-bottom cleaning means starting at one upper corner -- usually the northeast corner -- of the room and working our way down and out until we reach the opposite corner. That way every square inch of the room gets the attention it deserves and w...

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Small Businesses Have More Flexibility to Try New Things

Small Businesses Have More Flexibility to Try New Things

Big corporations are like glaciers. They move very, very slowly. The can't change direction very quickly. And when change occurs, it's usually something big and dramatic -- like an iceberg calving. But small businesses have a lot more versatility. Their owners can make decisions on the fly and affect real, dynamic change that can instantly improve the business, its operations, and its profitability. Like getting rid of their sub-par contract cleaners and replacing them with one that is le...

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