Bad Office Odors Can Be Bad for Business

Bad Office Odors Can Be Bad for Business

People are instinctively sensitive to bad odors. It's a survival instinct for most living creatures. If something smells awful, it's either unhealthy, dangerous, or dead. So if customers or clients walk into your business and smell an aroma they don't like, odds are they are going to turn around and walk out. Keeping offices, retail stores, and other businesses odor-free requires keeping up on regularly scheduled cleanings. When workspaces are cleaned daily by a professional cleaning crew, t...

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Three Types of Prioritized Commercial Cleaning Tasks

Three Types of Prioritized Commercial Cleaning Tasks

Keeping commercial spaces clean requires careful planning. Various tasks need to be coordinated so that offices, retail stores, and even manufacturing and warehouse facilities are always maintained in optimal condition. There are some tasks that need to be performed daily, while others should be done weekly. Still other kinds of jobs can be done bi-weekly, or even monthly or semi-annually in order to keep a commercial space looking its best. Everyday Jobs Jobs that need to be done every day...

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Double Bagging Trash Cans Improves Sanitation

Double Bagging Trash Cans Improves Sanitation

Have you ever noticed that many office trash cans contain not one but two plastic trash bags, one inside of the other? While this may appear to be wasteful, it's actually more sanitary. Double bagging trash bags creates two liquid barriers within the office garbage can. So when somebody discards a half-filled disposable coffee cup or anything else containing hot or cold liquid, there is less of a chance of it leaking through to the bottom of the trash can. Double Bagging Trash Cans Improves ...

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