
Three Things to Look For in a Contract Cleaner

Your Team Is Depending on You

In New England, there are literally hundreds of commercial cleaning companies. So how can you tell which ones are worth the money and which will give you nothing but headaches? The answer is the three Rs.

There are three specific things to look for in a commercial cleaning company: Reliability, responsibility, and responsiveness. When you can find a cleaning company that offers this trio of qualities, you should hire them.

R, R & R

The problem is few commercial cleaners offer all three. Some may be reliable, but it’s practically impossible to get ahold of somebody when you have a problem or complaint. Or they may be accessible, but the don’t accept responsibility when something goes wrong or make any effort to make it right.

Or a cleaning company may be responsive to complaints and accept the blame for problems, but they have a hard time showing up on time. Or they don’t show up at all some nights. Unless your cleaners can consistently meet all three requirements, they likely are going to be causing more problems for your business than they are solving. And to run your business successfully, that’s not an option.

All Bright Janitorial Services

How do we know so much about what constitutes a great cleaning company? Because we are one!

At All Bright Janitorial Services, we deliver the three Rs to each and every one of our clients. We prove we are reliable by showing up on time, doing the job thoroughly and never leaving you disappointed. We take responsibility for everything we do and stand by our work. And when you need to contact us, all you need to do is call or text and we will reply right away. No waiting around for an answer.

When you want a cleaning company that is reliable, responsible, and responsive, choose All Bright Janitorial Services.
