
Hold Your Cleaning Contractors Accountable

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There are a lot of cleaning contractors out there who believe they can get away with anything. Show up late or not at all, skip essential tasks, dodge phone calls from clients. And you know what? If their clients don’t hold them accountable, they’re right!

But just because a cleaning company has a contract doesn’t mean it can do anything it wants. Cleaning contracts generally require cleaners to clean. And if they aren’t doing the job — or aren’t doing it to your satisfaction — you usually are within your rights to terminate the contract and get rid of them.

Fire Your Cleaners

Dealing with a poor cleaning contractor can be very frustrating. Because many work overnight, on weekends, or when other people aren’t around, it can be difficult and inconvenient to directly supervise them. And if you are the client, you shouldn’t have to. Cleaning contractors should have their own supervisors.

Then there’s the customer service. Or, rather, the lack of it. With a lot of contract cleaners, it can seem like the day you sign your contract is the last day they answer your calls. If you have a hard time reaching the sales manager who sold you the contract, it’s probably time to move on to somebody else.

All Bright Janitorial Services

Just about every client All Bright Janitorial Services has on its roster has fired its old contract cleaner because they didn’t get the job done. And we’ve heard time and time again how refreshing it is to have a contract cleaner that actually does a good job, not to mention answering phone calls.

If you are tired of dealing with your unsatisfactory contract cleaner, you should get rid of them. You deserve to get the professional cleaning services you are paying for. You deserve All Bright Janitorial Services.
