
Cleaning Contracts Are Made to Be Broken

Cleaning Contracts

If your current cleaners are doing a terrible job, they are likely violating the terms of your cleaning contract, which means you can fire them. Cleaning contracts often stipulate that the cleaning company will perform its cleaning duties to the satisfaction of the client. If you aren’t satisfied, the contract is worthless.

Unfortunately, many business owners believe that just because the contract exists, they need to wait until the term of the document expires before they can move on to another company. This is not always the case. If you don’t like the job your current cleaners are doing, you can get rid of them contract or no contract.

Cleaning Contracts

They may squeal. They may shout. They may even threaten. But in the end, it’s your business. And if they aren’t keeping it clean up to your standards, then it’s actually affecting your bottom line, not theirs. At that point, it’s time to call your legal advisers and have them look at your contract and find a way out of it.

How can you tell if your current cleaners are doing a bad job? Look around. If you don’t like what you see, it’s obvious they don’t care. Another indication is that it’s difficult or impossible to get hold of the cleaning company’s account manager assigned to your business.

All Bright Janitorial Services

At All Bright Janitorial Services, we believe the customer deserves to get what they are paying for. When we clean a business, we make sure it’s done right. And we don’t cut corners, make excuses, or dodge phone calls.

Instead, we strive to exceed your expectations with every job we do. So if your contract cleaners are terrible, fire them. And hire All Bright Janitorial Services, New England’s responsible contract cleaner.
