Every Commercial Cleaning Job Is Unique

Every Commercial Cleaning Job Is Unique

All Bright Janitorial Services provides commercial cleaning for a wide variety of clients. There are retail stores that need overnight cleaning, manufacturing facilities that require the occasional deep cleaning, and office buildings that have us perform janitorial services both during the day and overnight. There also are one-time cleaning jobs where our experienced commercial cleaners go in and do a deep cleaning. This is especially common now that many businesses are ramping up to reop...

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Commercial Cleaning vs Janitorial Services

Commercial Cleaning vs Janitorial Services

What's the difference between commercial cleaning and janitorial services? In short, the answer is frequency. Janitorial services are provided daily, often while all of your other employees are still in the building. Janitors perform cleaning-related functions such as vacuuming, mopping, emptying trash bins, cleaning countertops, resupplying bathrooms, and so on. Janitors can respond to on-demand requests for service, such as calls to clean up a spill or to provide cleaning to specific wo...

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Many Businesses Modifying Their Commercial Cleaning

Many Businesses Modifying Their Commercial Cleaning

This fall is a very volatile time for corporate offices, small business workspaces, and other commercial buildings. As the COVID crisis began waning, many companies started making plans for employees who have been working from home to finally return to the office. But the surge of the Delta variant in many areas has changed those plans again as business leaders postpone or even cancel plans for their workforce to return to a central office. Commercial cleaning schedules are similarly subj...

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Get Back in Business with a Deep Cleaning

Get Back in Business with a Deep Cleaning

Businesses throughout New England have been slowly making plans to return to full speed, including welcoming back many employees who have been working from home for the past year-plus. Before you reopen the doors to your office building, retail store, warehouse, or other business, consider the toll all that time has taken on its physical condition. Just because people haven't been streaming through your doors doesn't mean that nothing has changed in the interior of your space. Time contin...

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Clients are Raving about All Bright Janitorial Services

Clients are Raving about All Bright Janitorial Services

All Bright Janitorial Services provides top-quality commercial cleaning services for successful businesses throughout New England. For more than 15 years, we have been the first choice for business owners who care about professional, reliable commercial cleaning. But don't just take our word for it. Here's what some of our clients are saying about All Bright Janitorial Services ... Hardworking and Caring Philip Stevens, area operations manager for Jani-King, Inc., recently wrote: â€...

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All Bright Offers All Types of Cleaning Services

All Bright Offers All Types of Cleaning Services

Some commercial cleaning companies specialize in a single type of cleaning. For example, there are commercial cleaners who are experts at post-disaster cleanup. There are others that perform mostly one-time deep cleaning for reopenings after a long shutdown. Then there are those that offer regularly scheduled commercial cleaning on a weekly, twice-weekly, or even a daily basis. At All Bright Janitorial Services, we offer all of these services and more to our commercial cleaning clients. O...

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Go Ahead, Fire Your Contract Cleaners

Go Ahead, Fire Your Contract Cleaners

Have you ever gotten so mad at your contract cleaners that you wanted to fire them on the spot? If so, you aren’t alone. Maybe you caught overnight cleaners sleeping on the job. Or perhaps you walked into your business to wonder if they had even been there at all. Or you may have noticed items missing or broken between the time you left for the night and when you returned in the morning. The Meaning of Contracts The main thing that may have held you back was in the very name itsel...

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Yes, We Can Perform Special Projects

Yes, We Can Perform Special Projects

Are you old enough to remember the old fast-food restaurant chain's jingle?: "Hold the pickles, hold the lettuce Special orders don't upset us ..." The burger chain was distinguishing itself from the competition by stipulating that they were open to special orders. In other words, they would make your burger whatever way you wanted. All you had to do was ask. At All Bright Janitorial Services, we similarly are open to special instructions. If there's a cleaning job you need to get done...

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The Hallmarks of Top-Quality Commercial Cleaning

The Hallmarks of Top-Quality Commercial Cleaning

How can you tell a good commercial cleaning company from a bad one? If you are paying to have your office, commercials space, warehouse, or institution cleaned by an outside vendor, it's an important question. Commercial cleaning can be a tricky thing to supervise because much of the time it takes place when you aren't physically at your business, such as during overnights or on weekends. Yet there are certain telltale signs that your cleaning company is doing a good job (or not) if you k...

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Breaking Your Contract May Be Easier Than You Think

Breaking Your Contract May Be Easier Than You Think

A lot of business owners think that because they signed a contract with their commercial cleaner, they are stuck with them until the contract expires. And that's exactly what a lot of poor quality cleaning companies are counting on. Commercial cleaners that have high turnover, poor management, inadequate training, or lack of supervision often provide poor service to their clients. Cleaning isn't done properly, unmotivated crews lack focus, and there may even be theft or damage to property...

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