We Are Always Open to Client Feedback

We Are Always Open to Client Feedback

A lot of contract cleaners don't want to hear what you have to say about the way they clean your business. They may dodge your calls, delete your emails, or generally give short shrift to your critiques of the quality of their services. But at All Bright Janitorial Services, we always want to hear what you have to say about our services. Are we doing something wrong? Let us know. Is there something we aren't currently doing that you want us to do? We want to hear about it so we can make a...

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Yes You Can Replace Your Current Cleaning Service

Yes You Can Replace Your Current Cleaning Service

A lot of business owners think that because they have a contract with their commercial cleaner, they can't even think about replacing them until the contract has expired. But the truth is you can get rid of your current cleaning service at any time you want if they are doing a bad job. Contracts run for a specific length of time, typically six months to a year. But they also stipulate the contract is only valid when the service provider is meeting the expectations of the business owner. S...

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In Commercial Cleaning, Timing Is Everything

In Commercial Cleaning, Timing Is Everything

One of the first and most important questions we ask new clients is this, "When would you like your commercial cleaning to occur?" The answer depends on a lot of different factors. Overnight cleaning is usually preferred for businesses like office buildings, factories, health care facilities, and other places where there aren't a lot of people around in the wee hours of the morning. It allows our professional cleaners to work without interrupting the serious business of the enterprise. ...

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Industrial Cleaning Requires Specialized Skills

Industrial Cleaning Requires Specialized Skills

Manufacturing facilities often create more waste than other kinds of businesses. Plus, the waste they produce can often be potentially hazardous as well as voluminous. So commercial cleaning companies that work with manufacturing clients often require specialized skills, training, and equipment. Cleaning an office or retail business is relatively straightforward. You might say if you've cleaned one office, store, or restaurant kitchen, you've cleaned them all. But every factory, assembly ...

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Our Cleaners Are Always Open to Special Instructions

Our Cleaners Are Always Open to Special Instructions

One of the biggest selling points of All Bright Janitorial Services is that we are experienced at cleaning lots of different kinds of commercial b businesses. No two of our clients are alike. So each requires a specialized approach that includes specific cleaning instructions. Cleaning a school, for example, is different than cleaning a medical office. In the same way, overnight cleaning of an office building presents different challenges than cleaning a retail store or entertainment venu...

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As COVID Continues, All Bright Remains Vigilant

As COVID Continues, All Bright Remains Vigilant

It seems like every time the COVID-19 pandemic seems to be waning a little, it roars back with a vengeance. Despite mass vaccinations and lengthy shutdowns, now the Omicron variant is threatening to reverse much of the progress we have made combatting the virus. At All Bright Janitorial Services, we have never let down our defenses in our fight to protect our clients from the global pandemic. We have been following -- and will continue to follow -- the strictest of health and safety proto...

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Bigger Is Not Always Better

Bigger Is Not Always Better

For some things, you want the biggest brand. Disney is the first choice for theme park entertainment. One of Detroit's "Big 3" is most drivers' pick for the family car. And McDonald's is probably the most trusted name for a reliably delicious fast lunch or dinner. But bigger isn't always better. In some industries -- such as commercial cleaning -- the small, hungrier companies are often the best choice because they offer value and commitment as well as reliability and professionalism. ...

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Most Overnight Cleaners Hate Unannounced Inspections

Most Overnight Cleaners Hate Unannounced Inspections

Commercial cleaners who service clients during the grave shift are accustomed to working unsupervised. That's exactly why it's a good idea to periodically perform unannounced inspections. You are likely to be surprised -- if not shocked -- by what your contracted cleaners are doing inside your business when you aren't there. It's not unusual to find people sleeping, goofing off, and generally doing everything except what you are paying them to do: Clean your business. Setting your alar...

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Don’t Hire Residential Cleaners for Commercial Properties

Don’t Hire Residential Cleaners for Commercial Properties

You probably wouldn't try to take a pallet of lumber home from your local home improvement store in a Toyota Camry. You wouldn't use a water cannon to clean your windows. And you wouldn't use sheet metal press to cut a set of house keys. So why would you hire commercial cleaners for your office, factory, warehouse, or industrial space? Commercial and residential cleaners are not the same. Commercial cleaners have the experience, versatility, and scheduling to handle any sized business, fr...

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The Best Time to Change Commercial Cleaners

The Best Time to Change Commercial Cleaners

Companies change commercial cleaning contractors all the time. But when is the best time to replace your current janitorial services company with somebody else? There are a number of different factors to consider, including budgeting, quality of service, and price. Monthly, Quarterly, and Annually Companies work on fiscal calendars that are broken down by year, quarter, and month. Changing a commercial contractor in mid-month -- or any vendor, for that matter -- can cause an account...

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