Take Steps to Control the Spread of Cold and Flu

Take Steps to Control the Spread of Cold and Flu

Whenever the winter weather sets into New England, the number of employees who get sick with cold and flu bugs increase exponentially. The cause of cold and flu season is obvious: Colder weather forces people to work in tighter quarters. There tend to be fewer trips out to visit clients and more time spent working in the office next to or near co-workers. And because colds and flu are spread by physical contact with the germs that cause them, the closer people are the more likely they are ...

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Communication Is Key for Effective Partnerships

Communication Is Key for Effective Partnerships

Like any other relationship, the shared experience between a business and its cleaning company relies on open communication. When clients and their cleaners are talking to each other, both sides get the most out of the business partnership. But when there isn't any communication or when communication is one-sided, it can lead to problems, including scheduling snafus, mixups on special instructions, and other avoidable issues. Open Lines Unfortunately, both businesses and their cleaning cont...

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How Many Chances Should You Give a Failing Cleaners?

How Many Chances Should You Give a Failing Cleaners?

It's a scenario too many office managers are familiar with: When you arrive in the morning to open the office, you discover that the overnight cleaners forgot to perform important tasks, did a poor job of cleaning the office, or failed to show up altogether. Your business needs to show a neat, organized face to your clients. But when your contracted cleaners aren't providing the services you are paying for, they aren't the ones that look bad. You are. So if you shrug it off or chalk it up ...

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Plan for Pre- and Post-Holiday Party Cleaning

Plan for Pre- and Post-Holiday Party Cleaning

Holiday office parties can be great opportunities for coworkers to relax, have fun, and get into the holiday spirit as a community. They can also create a terrible mess. The last thing you want is for an important client to visit your office the morning after your annual holiday office party to find an avalanche of debris left over from the previous night's celebrations. That's why it's important to let your cleaning company know in advance of your holiday party plans. Preparing for the Part...

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Commercial Cleaning Includes Many Business Types

Commercial Cleaning Includes Many Business Types

When most people think of commercial cleaning, they typically think of the cleaning crew that empties garbage cans and cleans bathrooms at their office. But there are actually many different types of commercial cleaning, all of which are important to business success. Retail Stores Retail stores that invite the public to come in and stroll through aisles of shelves filled with products need to be clean. If they aren't, people will stop coming. Stores that are visited by a lot of peop...

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Signs Your Current Cleaners Are Doing a Crummy Job

Signs Your Current Cleaners Are Doing a Crummy Job

Is your commercial cleaning service doing everything it can to keep your business looking its best? Because cleaners usually come during off hours, when nobody else is around, it's often hard to tell. But if you know the signs to look for, it's a simple to determine if you are getting your money's worth from your cleaners, or if it's time to start looking for another commercial cleaning company. Here's what to look for. Check the Trash The easiest way to tell if your cleaners are doing a ba...

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Want Environmentally Safe Cleaning Chemicals? Just Ask!

Want Environmentally Safe Cleaning Chemicals? Just Ask!

There has been a lot written lately about the hazards of common cleaning chemicals. Some clients have inquired about switching to "green" cleaning products that have less of an impact on the environment. At All Bright Janitorial Service, our answer is always the same: We will use any cleaning products you want. The choice is entirely yours. If you want to switch to more environmentally safe chemicals to clean your office or workspace, we can recommend some high-quality products that will get ...

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Modifying Your Hours of Operation? Call Us!

Modifying Your Hours of Operation? Call Us!

In order to stay competitive and maximize profitability, most businesses will continually reassess the way they do things. This can include the hours they are open, their production schedule, work shifts, and other timelines. Yet one little change can have unanticipated consequences. For example, if you decide to open at 8 a.m. instead of 9 a.m. during the week, you may also need to push back your pre-opening deliveries, change the start times of your line level employees, and even rearrange ...

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Review Your Cleaning Services Contract Periodically

Review Your Cleaning Services Contract Periodically

For many businesses, contract cleaning is a line item in the budget that is renewed every year. You can't not clean your business, right? But taking that line item for granted is not good business. The commercial cleaning industry is very competitive so there may be another company out there that will do a better job for the same or even less than what you currently are paying. That's why it's always a good idea to periodically review your contracted cleaning with your commercial cleaning ...

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Why You Should NEVER Be Your Own Janitorial Service

Why You Should NEVER Be Your Own Janitorial Service

New business owners need to keep expenses down wherever possible. Because there is so much overhead associated with launching a new business, cutting corners in places like office supplies, utilities, and even labor can mean the difference between profitability and disaster. But if there's one area where you should never cut corners it's commercial cleaning services. While it may be tempting to eliminate this line item when you are first starting out, it almost never works out the way new bus...

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